Truth on rumor about real-life heat between Triple H and Shane McMahon

In the wake of rumors, it was noted that WWE's Chief Content Officer Triple H and Shane McMahon have a real-life rift. A post on Facebook stated that The Game had informed the TKO group that if Shane McMahon returned to the Stamford-based company with any absolute authority, he would happily step aside and explore

In the wake of rumors, it was noted that WWE's Chief Content Officer Triple H and Shane McMahon have a real-life rift.

A post on Facebook stated that The Game had informed the TKO group that if Shane McMahon returned to the Stamford-based company with any absolute authority, he would happily step aside and explore other opportunities.

Later, a wrestling fan shared a screengrab of the following post on Twitter and asked Sean Ross Sapp of Fighful to give his take on the report. SRS shot down the rumors, stating that the news was fake and there was no such statement made by Triple H concerning the 53-year-old.

"It's fake. Everyone should likely stop getting wrestling news from Facebook groups. Over half of the misinformation we need up correcting emanates from there. Very little oversight, care or moderation," he wrote.

Check out the tweet below:

Vince Russo says Triple H should return to WWE to take LA Knight down

The former WWE writer shared that the 14-time World Champion must become an on-screen authority figure to start a feud with LA Knight.

The 40-year-old star is now getting the push of his life on WWE programming compared to other stars. However, Russo feels that The Megastar should not be involved in a generic storyline, which sets a perfect opportunity for The Game to get back on television.

Russo stated that the Stamford-based promotion could use the former WWE Champion to introduce a new heel, reminiscent of how The Game worked with Seth Rollins, Batista, or Randy Orton.

"Bro, there are so few people over that when you have the opportunity to get somebody to the next level, yes, I am pulling Triple H out, dusting him off, blowing off the dust, bro, getting him out there to get LA Knight over. Let Triple H get a heel over!"

Check out the video below:

Seeing The Game on television as a regular character will be exciting if he brings in a new heel to get LA Knight over.

What did you think of the rumors of real-life heat between HHH and Shane McMahon? Sound off in the comments section below.

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