Thoughts And Prayers For Surgery; Prayer For Someone Having Surgery

Thoughts And Prayers For Surgery; Prayer for someone having surgery;- 10 strong prayers and thoughts In a Christians life, prayer is a crucial component. Especially when facing a disease, it is advisable to rely on the strength of prayer. As God is always keeping an eye on us, it is advised to pray for everyone

Thoughts And Prayers For Surgery; Prayer for someone having surgery;-  10 strong prayers and thoughts In a Christian’s life, prayer is a crucial component. Especially when facing a disease, it is advisable to rely on the strength of prayer. As God is always keeping an eye on us, it is advised to pray for everyone who is having surgery.

Prayers and thoughts for surgery Before surgery, instill a sense of security and protection in your loved ones. They are confident that God will direct every action the doctors take and provide them the knowledge they need to complete the treatment successfully. Inspirational Quotes of all Time

Thoughts And Prayers For Surgery;

What should you say to a person who is getting surgery? Pray for them and reaffirm to them God’s character and the promises He has made in the Bible. The following prayer suggestions will help your loved ones relax: Motivational Quotes of All Time

Catholic supplication for a friend, mother, and family before surgery

By comforting them with your thoughts and prayers as a friend or member of your family undergoes surgery, you can demonstrate to your friends and family that you are always there for them. They are the only ones that never leave you, even when they have every reason to do so.

Lord, I thank and praise Your name. I thank You that we can speak to You through the Lord Jesus Christ. We can bring our petitions and praise before Your graceful hands. Thank You for being a merciful God. I thank You also because of being a powerful God who can use His mighty power to heal and save anyone. Lord help my friend, that he/she might not be apprehensive about the procedure, but rather to trust his/her life and future in Your loving hands. Let him/her know that You are the only person who schedules our days, and nothing can ever take You by surprise. May the nurses and doctors attending to my friend have the wisdom that comes from You. May You grant them the skills they need to carry out the surgery successfully. In Jesus’ name, I do pray, trust, and believe. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You know my mum is facing some unpleasant and invasive surgery. I have come to ask You to keep her mind looking up to Jesus and not to be scared of anything. I pray that You soothe her heart to leave everything into Your able hands. Lord, I ask You to be with all the surgeons who will attend to her. I pray that You will lead them as they undertake any procedure on her. Guide their hands and give them the skills they need for this operation to be successful. I pray that You bring my mum back to her good health and strength so she can praise and glorify Your name. Lord, I believe that You have the best interests for my mum. I know You care for her as You do for all Your children. I pray that she will not fear what is ahead because we have put everything to You. Father, I believe that You are with her and nothing wrong will happen. Help keep her eyes fixed on You. I pray all these through the name of Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of my faith. Amen.

Dear God, my spouse is undergoing a medical procedure. I feel alone when he/she is not around me. So, Lord, help us trust in You, even during such a hard time. God, I depend on my lover so heavily. So, help him/her go under this procedure successfully. Lord, I put this in Your able hands. I know in my heart that I should only depend on You. Lord, that is what I am doing right now. Be with the both of us. Uphold Your hand and keep us trusting in You for the best outcomes. Father, I lift You in my sincere prayer to You. I ask You to be with my spouse and me as he/she faces this surgery. I pray that You will give all the people that will attend to my lover the skill to bring him back to full recovery. As unpleasant as this procedure is, please draw us close to each other and You. In Jesus’ name, I do pray. Amen.

Dear Father, please be with my precious child as he/she faces this surgery. Often, I go on with my life without worrying or caring until something falls into my laps. Lord, I am sorry that I have not been faithful to You in my prayers; I pray that God You will hear my humble plea. I pray that You may see it fit to bring my child through this procedure and restore him/her to his/her strength and health. Father, during times like this, we are brought to realise how much children mean. I know in many instances, I have taken my child for granted. I want to thank You for giving me this child. I pray that You give him/her peace that comes from You and enough strength to go through this procedure. Thank You for hearing my petitions. I pray that You will be glorified through this medical procedure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thanksgiving rosary prayer for surgery

The Bible verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:13 requires everyone to be thankful even in the most challenging times. There is power in praise during troubling times. Use the prayer below to give glory to God:

Father Lord, I thank You for being with my friend before the surgery. God, You have said in Your word that You will walk with us. Although we cannot see You near us, we trust and believe that You are here. Thank You for the medical procedure that is going to happen today. That You that You will be with my friend when he/she lies unconscious in the operation room. Your presence will surround him/her and comfort his/her mind. I am thankful that You will always be with him/her. Thank You, Everlasting Father, for the surgeons that are going to attend on my loved one. Bless them and let Your grace be with them. Receive all the honour and glory because this surgery will go well. Thank You because You are going to take care of my loved one. Thank You for promising us that You can never forsake us. Remind my loved one how that statement is true when he/she is in the surgery room. Thank You for everything and Your promises. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Dear God, You alone created all the things in this world. It is You alone that controls all the things. The outcome of this operation is one of the things that only You can control. I need everyone to feel Your presence in this surgery. We put everything in Your able hands. Today, we commit to Your sovereignty. As my friend is in the surgeons’ hands, let his body begin to heal. Lord, You are sovereign over every kind of creature. You are the only healer we have. Help my friend rely on Your power and not his/her. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dear God, I have come to that You so much for my friend’s operation going well and with no complications. Even when there appeared to be complications, thank You because You lead and guide the doctors. Thank You, Father, for being with my friend. I pray that You may now help him/her to recover quickly. Let him/her relax and rest without complication for the coming days. Receive all the honour and glory for this operation. In Jesus’ name, I do pray, trust, and believe. Amen.

Prayer for healing

As your loved one is about to enter the operation room or has been operated on successfully, you can recite a healing prayer. This will remove any fears and thoughts that the procedure might not be healing. Use the prayers below:

Loving God, Kings of Kings, I come before You to ask You for comfort in all my friend’s suffering. Lend Your hands to his/her doctors. Bless the means they use to cure my friend. Give my friend great confidence in the power of Your able hands. So that when he/she is afraid, he/she may put all the trust in You. Lord Jesus, by Your suffering in the cross, You gave us an excellent example of how we should be obedient to the Father. Be near my friend in times of his/her pain and weakness. Sustain his/her grace and heal him/her if it is Your will. I pray all these through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Father, Your word tells us not to be worried about anything. It tells us that if we come before Your throne in prayer to present our petitions, You will give us peace in our hearts that passes the understanding of a man. This is what I am doing right now. Father, I bring before You my lovely grandparent who is about to face the surgery. I am asking You Father to be with my grandparent. Keep him/her heart calm so that she may not think about all that could go awful in the course of the surgery. Although this is very daunting, I know that my grandparent will successfully go through the procedure by Your power. I pray that You give him/her peace in his/her heart. Let my friend’s soul find rest in You. Help him/her not to worry or fret during this challenging operation time. I pray that he/she will not be anxious about the procedure’s outcome but rather leave everything to You. Let him/her understand that You are a gracious God who can cause everything to work for the good of those You love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father Lord, I surrender everything to You today. I submit my loved one to You. I present his/her medical procedure to You. I trust that You will be in control of everything that will occur today. I trust that You will be with my friend in the surgery room when I am outside waiting. You are the only creator of life. Nothing can sustain itself without You. Our breath comes from You. I pray that You may keep my friend in Your hands this day. I trust in You, for You are the mightiest God. Please let this procedure go on without any complications. Let the recovery process be quicker, painless, and restful. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A prayer for someone having surgery is one way of ministering to their needs. Praying for others is the fulfilment of God’s command, and for this reason, it is always good to remember our friends through prayers.

