Sean Beans fourth wife files for divorce after two years

Ive been gossiping for over four years now (well really all my life, but I wasnt paid for it then), and sometimes Ill report on a lesser celebrity and wont hear a follow up story for well over a year. Working from home the days all kind of run together, and Ill remember the last

I’ve been gossiping for over four years now (well really all my life, but I wasn’t paid for it then), and sometimes I’ll report on a lesser celebrity and won’t hear a follow up story for well over a year. Working from home the days all kind of run together, and I’ll remember the last story as if it happened just a while ago. That’s the case with this Sean Bean divorce, because when I heard it I thought “jeez, didn’t he just get married?” No, he got married two years ago and now it’s over. Sad, but predictable given this guy’s history. Oh – you might known Sean Bean from the Lord of The Rings trilogy, which should have a damn follow-up by now but that Hobbit movie is taking forever.

It looks like another ending to another high-profile marriage is in the works.

Citing irreconcilable differences, Georgina Sutcliffe has filed for divorce from actor Sean Bean at the High Court in London.

Theirs was a tumultuous relationship that got off to a rocky start when the couple called off their wedding 24 hours before they were to be married in January 2008.

The two finally wed on February 19th of the same year.

It never appeared to be a match made in heaven, however, and the police were called to their residence three times over their two-and-a-half years together to help settle domestic disputes.

Despite a successful career on the screen, the Lord of the Rings actor doesn’t seem to have had a lot of luck in the nuptial department given that this will be his fourth time in divorce court.

[From Hello!]

In terms of Sean’s past, he’s been married three other times and has three daughters by his two middle wives. (I tried to make that succinct, but it may take a moment to figure out.) He’s had three instances in which cops were called to his home for domestic incidents with this last wife so he was either abusive, they fought a lot, or both.

Kaiser really wanted to report on this one because she thinks Bean is dirty hot like Gerard Butler, but I already called this story. This guy might do it for me if he seemed decent, but there’s something really low life about him. Once someone is accused of assaulting their wife they lose any appeal they might once have had for me. Kaiser would do well to stick to love ’em and leave ’em types instead of love ’em and make their lives miserable until the inevitable divorce. (*Shakes head at Kaiser for her bad taste in men. And you know I was going to write “love ’em and beat ’em,” but that was just too much.)

Georgina Sutcliffe is just 32! Doesn’t she look older? I think it’s the bad makeup. Bean is 51 and he looks it.

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