Release date, where to read, what to expect,andmore

My Happy Marriage volume 7 is set to be released on Friday, July 14, 2023. The light novel will be launched in Japan and is currently available for pre-order. Additionally, as part of the celebration of the live-action movie and the anime's release, a special set has been made available for fans.

My Happy Marriage volume 7 is set to be released on Friday, July 14, 2023. The light novel will be launched in Japan and is currently available for pre-order. Additionally, as part of the celebration of the live-action movie and the anime's release, a special set has been made available for fans.

My Happy Marriage follows the story of Miyo Saimori, an unfortunate girl born in a loveless marriage. After her mother's death, her father brings in his new wife and their daughter Kaya Saimori. Once she is older, Miyo's marriage is arranged with Kiyoka Kudou, a rumored ruthless army man. Upon hearing this, Miyo expects her life to become worse, however, it surprisingly takes a turn for the better.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from My Happy Marriage light novel.

Miyo Saimori and Kiyoka Kudou will get married in My Happy Marriage volume 7

Release date and where to read

Screenshot of My Happy Marriage volume 7 release date announcement (Image via Sportskeeda/Twitter)

My Happy Marriage volume 7 will be released on Friday, July 14, 2023. Along with the announcement, the manga has also revealed the cover illustration for the upcoming light novel volume. However, unlike other volumes released by the light novel, volume 7 has a special set as well.

Following the release of My Happy Marriage live-action movie in March 2023, and the announcement of the anime adaptation, Kadokawa decided to commemorate the events with a special set for My Happy Marriage volume 7.

Miyo Saimori as seen in My Happy Marriage anime (Image via Kinema Citrus)

This special set includes the light volume itself and an acrylic panel with the cover illustration. In addition to the regular volume and the special set, there is also a limited set available, which also includes two badges featuring Miyo Saimori and Kiyoka Kudou, respectively.

Fans can order the light novel and the special set online on ebten girl's shop, animate, and the light novel's official website. Meanwhile, the limited set is only available on animate. Lastly, one can also purchase My Happy Marriage light novel e-books through its official website.

What to expect from My Happy Marriage volume 7?

Kiyoka Kudou as seen in My Happy Marriage anime (Image via Kinema Citrus)

As per the description provided for My Happy Marriage volume 7, the upcoming light novel will finally see Miyo Saimori get married to Kiyoka Kudou. After overcoming several difficulties, the day of celebration finally arrives for Miyo. However, she is upset since the morning of the wedding day as her soon-to-be husband is called to work the day before the celebrations.

Even as the time of the wedding ceremony approaches, Kiyoka is nowhere to be seen as he is yet to return. Thus, Miyo waits for Kiyoka in her bridal dress. She remembers him telling her that he was looking forward to marrying her more than anyone else. Thus, the upcoming light novel volume is soon set to change the story of the young unfortunate girl after the two finally marry.

Meanwhile, a powerful strange shadow with a deep connection to the Five Paths will begin making its move.

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