Lumenstone, Dark mud, and Blooming light explained

As promised, Genshin Impact released the second volume of The Liyue Diaries, highlighting The Underground Mines in The Chasm. The underground part of this new area has a different mechanism compared to the surface.

As promised, Genshin Impact released the second volume of The Liyue Diaries, highlighting The Underground Mines in The Chasm. The underground part of this new area has a different mechanism compared to the surface.

Players can only explore the underground mines by completing the World Quest 'Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering.' They should note that the surface below Liyue has dim lighting and complex infrastructure. However, Travelers can use the new function, Adjust Brightness, added to Settings.

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Genshin Impact: New mechanism and gameplay in the Underground Mines of The Chasm

1) Lumenstone Adjuvant

The Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget (Image via Genshin Impact)

The Lumenstone Adjuvant is a new gadget given to Travelers to explore The Underground Mines in Genshin Impact. This gadget can be upgraded by collecting certain Lumenspars and Lumenstone Ore.

Jinwu's workbench (Image via Genshin Impact)

These materials can be used on Jinwu's workbench to upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant and obtain material rewards.

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Equip Lumenstone Adjuvant to light up the surrounding (Image via Genshin Impact)

When Lumentstone Adjuvant is equipped, it will provide illumination during exploration in the underground mines if the item contains energy. In addition, when the gadget has reached a certain level, the maximum amount of energy, brightness, and range will be increased.

Players should be familiar with the usage as it has the same functionality as the Bokuso Box for the Three Realms Gateway Offering event.

Items to recharge the Lumenstone Adjuvant (Image via Genshin Impact)

Since the Lumenstone Adjuvant needs energy to light up the surrounding area of The Underground Mines, users can replenish them using special devices and creatures such as Lumenlamps and Lucklight Flies. There is also a new Seelie type that can gradually restore the gadget's energy.

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2) Blooming Light

Blooming Light in The Underground Mines (Image via HoYoverse)

When the Lumenstone Adjuvant reaches a certain level, gamers can use the item to destroy Oozing Concretions and the dark mud nearby in The Underground Mines. However, they must remember that they can only use this skill in their own world.

Furthermore, the range of Blooming Light will increase as well after the Lumenstone Adjuvant has reached a certain level.

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3) Dark Mud

Dark Mud in The Underground Mines (Image via HoYoverse)

In The Underground Mines of The Chasm, players will find many areas distributed with ominous Dark Mud. When they step into the mud, their active character will continuously lose HP, and mobility will be affected. In addition, their Lumenstone Adjuvant's energy will also drain slowly.

Oozing Concretions in different levels (Image via HoYoverse)

Sometimes, there are Oozing Concretions in the Dark Mud. This substance can maintain the surrounding Dark Mud and have different levels of emissions strength based on its size.

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Only Lumenstone Adjuvants of sufficient power can use Blooming Light to destroy Concretions of the appropriate level.

Enemies become more powerful within Dark Mud (Image via HoYoverse)

The last information given is that whenever monsters are within the Dark Mud, they will become stronger. Therefore, gamers can use Blooming Light to destroy the Concretions and remove the Dark Mud connected to them.

The developers ended the diaries with a statement that they would soon release data about the creatures and enemies within The Chasm.

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