How to kick enemies in Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 is a game where players seemingly have limitless ways to approach combat. From multiple weapons to parkour, there are many ways that a player is able to dispatch their foes with some careful planning and stylish moves.

Dying Light 2 is a game where players seemingly have limitless ways to approach combat. From multiple weapons to parkour, there are many ways that a player is able to dispatch their foes with some careful planning and stylish moves.

One of the ways players have to deal with the hordes of Infected is the Kick. But learning to master the Kick is a big step in increasing its effectiveness in combat.

Using the Kick in Dying Light 2 can be really fun, and dangerously effective

When players use a Kick on an enemy in Dying Light 2 it sends them into a stagger. This is extremely useful for buying players the time that they need in order to follow up with another attack.

Players stagger an enemy and then follow up with an attack and effectively stun-lock any target by changing back and forth from Kick, Attack, Kick, Attack. This is a safe method for targeting harder enemies.

Using Kicks is easy in Dying Light 2

Players can easily use kicks in combat to help assist them with damage and a quick stagger effect. (Image via Techland.)

Players can perform Kicks easily by performing a combination of button presses depending on the system that they are currently using:

  • PC: Block Button + Attack Button
  • Xbox: LB + RT
  • Playstation: L1 + R2

Using these combinations is easy and will allow players to do the stun-lock combo as mentioned above. This skill can easily be incorporated into just about any fighting style as well.

Players can explore a multitude of options by using Kicks in non-traditional ways

One may think that using a Kick is pretty straightforward, you Kick an enemy and it staggers them. That is true, but players can use Kick to create special results as well.

For example, a player can use Kick to knock an enemy off a rooftop, or even Kick them into a fire, causing them to take damage. Players who Kick enemies off of a high ledge can even have them die from fall damage.

Kicks can be a great addition to any player's toolkit in Dying Light 2

Players can knock their opponents off of ledges using the Kick in Dying Light 2. Image via Techland.

With so many options to initiate combat by having an additional skill that can allow players to be on the offensive with a little bit of defensive utility is a great supplement.

Players should try to incorporate Kicks into their rotation to ensure a smoother flow of combat and gain some breathing room by stunning their foes thereby enabling them to ensure victory in every encounter.

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