How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players are facing quite a few performance issues in the game, especially when trying to connect to friends on different platforms. The crossplay feature is something that a lot of players enjoy, as they have friends who play the shooter on different systems. However, many are running into a

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players are facing quite a few performance issues in the game, especially when trying to connect to friends on different platforms.

The crossplay feature is something that a lot of players enjoy, as they have friends who play the shooter on different systems. However, many are running into a problem where the game shows a “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friendslist” error, which prevents them from viewing the list of players and inviting them to a lobby.

This is one of the more annoying errors in Modern Warfare 2 season 3. The most troubling part of the problem is that there is no permanent solution to it. However, there are a few temporary workarounds that the community has come up with.

Today’s guide goes over some of the ways that you can deal with the “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friends List” error in the game.

All you need to know about fixing the “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friendlist” error in Modern Warfare 2

As mentioned, there is no permanent solution to the “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friendslist” error in Modern Warfare 2. However, listed below are a few things that you can do to temporarily deal with the problem.

1) Restarting the game

One of the most basic things you can do to try and deal with this error is to restart the game. While it might feel like this will not resolve the issue, many players have tried it and have found it to be one of the best temporary solutions to the problem.

Whether you are on a PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, restarting the game is the first thing you should do.

2) Checking for file integrity

Those on PC can also check the file integrity in the installation directory. Depending on whether you are launching Modern Warfare 2 from Steam or the client, you will be able to go to the settings menu of the shooter and click on the option to “Scan and Fix Files.”

This will start a process that will go through all the files in the installation directory of the game and automatically fix the ones that are corrupted.

3) Re-enabling Crossplay

The next thing you can do to fix the “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friendslist” error in Modern Warfare 2 is to disable and then enable the crossplay feature of the game.

You can do so from the in-game settings. Once done, you will need to restart the shooter again.

4) Disabling third-party performance software

Many players use third-party anti-lag and VPN software to have a better experience in Modern Warfare 2. These apps are some of the biggest reasons behind performance errors in the shooter and likely caused the “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friendslist” error.

Hence, turning off such software is likely to fix some of the performance problems that you might be facing in the game.

5) Check your internet connectivity

The error can also occur if you are having issues with your internet connectivity. An unstable connection leads to a fair bit of errors in the shooter, hence, you can try resetting the gateway by restarting your router.

You might need to contact your internet operator if the connection still does not stabilize after it.

6) Clearing the game cache

Additionally, you might even look to clear the game cache to deal with the “Failed Fetching Crossplay Friendslist” error in Modern Warfare 2. You can do this by going to he Steam or settings for the shooter, and then search for the "Clear Cashe" options. Then by clicking on "Delete Saved Data" you will be able to clear the case which will hopefully solve the error.

7) Try disabling Firewall and antivirus

Your Firewall and antivirus settings may just be interfering with the game and not allowing it to fetch your crossplay friend list. You might want to temporarily disable the protection that it offers and check if by doing so, the list is reappearing.

While this might not be the perfect solution to the problem, there are many in the community who seem to have benefitted from it.

8) Wait for a patch

If the above workarounds don't work, the only thing you can do is wait for a patch update. The developers will likely come up with a fix for this issue in a future update.

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