How to break the seal over the shrine in Genshin Impact

The Eye of Watatsumi quest has troubled many Genshin Impact players who tried to figure out how to break the seal over the shrine. They can start this quest after completing The Moon-Bathed Deep quest, which involves talking to Tsuyuko at the north end of the Mouun Shrine. Eye of Watatsumi involves the player going

The Eye of Watatsumi quest has troubled many Genshin Impact players who tried to figure out how to break the seal over the shrine.

They can start this quest after completing The Moon-Bathed Deep quest, which involves talking to Tsuyuko at the north end of the Mouun Shrine. Eye of Watatsumi involves the player going to the location west of Mouun Shrine and then reading the Stone Tablet.

However, the bulk of this quest involves the next part: trying to break the seal over the shrine. If a player blindly looks around the island, they won't be able to find anything useful. Hence, it is recommended that they use Elemental Sight to destroy all of the relevant elemental orbs in the surroundings. Doing so will break the seal over the shrine in Genshin Impact.

How to break the seal over the shrine in Genshin Impact in Eye of Watatsumi

Here's how players can easily break the seal over shine in Genshin Impact:

If the player uses Elemental Sight near the shrine, they should notice some purple trails (Image via HoYoverse)

After using Elemental Sight, players should follow any of the trails to their destination. There will be three elemental orbs that the player can efficiently destroy with Anemo, and then the player will have to defeat a small horde of enemies afterward.

Elemental orb #1

The first elemental orb's location (Image via Sportskeeda)

This elemental orb is found north of the shrine. It will be near a broken-down boat, and it's underneath a rock formation. If Genshin Impact players use their Elemental Sights in this area, they can easily spot this elemental orb.

Ideally, the player will have an Anemo user. First, take care of the two Ruin Guards in this location. Then use the Anemo user to destroy the elemental orbs effortlessly. Two of Sucrose's charged attacks can get it done.

Once the player disperses this elemental orb, they will need to go to one of the following two elemental orb locations and do the same there. Once the player destroys all three elemental orbs, they will break the seal over the shrine.

Elemental Orb #2

This is the second elemental orb's location (Image via Sportskeeda)

To break the seal over the shrine, the player must destroy this elemental orb along with the other two. It doesn't matter which order the player does it; if they did the previous one correctly, they need to destroy it, and the next one.

If players follow the northwestern trail, they'll eventually be southwest of the shrine. There are no enemies here at first, so destroy the elemental orb as they did before. After doing so, three Anemo Specters will spawn.

Genshin Impact players don't need to defeat the enemies to break the seal over the shrine.

Elemental Orb #3

This is the third elemental orb's location in Genshin Impact (Image via Sportskeeda)

This elemental orb is the last one that players need to break, and it is all the way south. After breaking it, the player should be able to break the seal over the shrine.

As before, the player doesn't need to defeat the enemies to break the seal over the shrine. Regardless of what option the player chooses, they'll eventually have to claim the Spirit Pearl. Head back to the shrine to finish this quest.

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