Did Mel Gibson call Ashton Kutcher a "hidden handler" for Hollywood elites? Viral claim debunked

On September 16, 2023, a video uploaded on the celebrity gossip YouTube channel Just In (@JustInCeleb) stated that actor Mel Gibson had allegedly disclosed that fellow actor Ashton Kutcher was a "hidden handler" for Hollywood elites. The viral video was titled Mel Gibson Reveals Ashton Kutcher Is A HIDDEN Handler For Hollywood.

On September 16, 2023, a video uploaded on the celebrity gossip YouTube channel Just In (@JustInCeleb) stated that actor Mel Gibson had allegedly disclosed that fellow actor Ashton Kutcher was a "hidden handler" for Hollywood elites. The viral video was titled Mel Gibson Reveals Ashton Kutcher Is A HIDDEN Handler For Hollywood.

The video's narrator claimed that Mel Gibson spoke about Ashton Kutcher being a covert handler. On YouTube, the clip has already received over 36,000 views and has since gone viral.

The clip began as follows:

"Mel Gibson has gained a reputation for being outspoken about some unsettling truths within Hollywood. And this time, it appears he's set his sights on the beloved Ashton Kutcher, who recently found himself at the center of a controversy."

It continued,

"It's evident that he has never been afraid to speak his mind, and that includes not fearing Kutcher either. To that end, the internet seems to be abuzz with speculation that Gibson appears to be prepared to unveil some uncomfortable hidden truths about Ashton as well, suggesting that he might be a handler."

However, it has since come to light that the video's narration, along with the thumbnail image and arrangement of the clips, was generated and put together with the assistance of AI tools. As per Snopes, a fact-checking website, the viral claim about Gibson publicly speaking about Kutcher and calling him a "hidden handler" is false.

As far as the controversy surrounding Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis goes, the couple recently found themselves in hot waters for writing character letters seeking to defend Danny Masterson, their former co-star from That 70's Show. Masterson was found guilty of r*pe earlier this month and sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The disputed video was uploaded after Ashton Kutcher resigned from his position as chairman of the board of Thorn, an anti-child s*x abuse group, as a result of criticism following the disclosure of the character letters.

Mel Gibson did not call Ashton Kutcher a "hidden handler" for Hollywood elites

The viral YouTube video has been debunked (Image via Instagram / @official_mel_gibson / milalkunis)

The YouTube video featured old, discrete footage of Mel Gibson making remarks about a range of unrelated topics, none of which involved Kutcher. Despite the suggestion in the clip that Mel Gibson exposed Kutcher as a "hidden handler", viewers don't hear Mel use those precise words. The clips featured various different interview clips of Gibson, with the actor talking about a range of things.

“I get up every day and I realize I'm not in control of this whole thing and no matter what happens I just ask for the grace to be able to deal with it," Gibson said in one of the clips.

He can also be heard saying,

"His number one fear is public humiliation, okay. I don't give a F**k anymore”.

It continues,

“When you're 20 you don't understand these things so uh you know I think I just would have I just would have been more patient”.

Therefore, it is fairly conclusive that the YouTube video's title was deceptive and misleading. The video never featured Mel Gibson making public comments regarding the Kutcher-Masterson controversy, nor did it have any evidence that Mel Gibson had actually referred to Kutcher as a "hidden handler".

What controversy is the video hinting at?

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's character letters defending Masterson are at the center of this doctored video. Prior to the court's sentencing of That '70s Show star, actors Kunis and Kutcher wrote letters in defense of Masterson’s character. Kutcher called Masterson a "role model" and wrote,

"As a role model, Danny has consistently been an excellent one. I attribute not falling into the typical Hollywood life of drugs directly to Danny."

Mila Kunis expressed a feeling similar to her husband's, writing,

"I first met Danny during our time working together on That 70’s Show, and from the very beginning, I could sense his innate goodness and genuine nature. Throughout our time together, Danny has proven to be an amazing friend, confidant, and, above all, an outstanding older brother figure to me."

However, the couple's support for the disgraced actor was not received well by the public. In the wake of the backlash from fans and Masterson’s victims, Kutcher and Kunis issued a video in which they apologized to the people they may have offended.

"The letters were not written to question the legitimacy of the judicial system or the validity of the jury’s ruling. We support victims. We have done this historically through our work and will continue to do so in the future," the couple said.

The character letters provided a distinct picture of Masterson, one that contrasted sharply with the image portrayed by his reported victims, who claimed he subjected them to forcible physical and s*xual assault.

Kutcher resigned from his role as board chairman of Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that targets child sex abuse, in the aftermath of the criticism of their video. The nonprofit organization was co-founded by Kutcher along with actor Demi Moore, his ex-wife.

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