Correct answers to Bahar's questions

The third part of In Truth's Steps is finally available, and Genshin Impact fans can now complete the final challenge of the mini-event. Once again, players must go to the event organizer, Bahar, and listen to and analyze her story. After going through the narrative and gathering all the necessary clues, fans must correctly answer

The third part of In Truth's Steps is finally available, and Genshin Impact fans can now complete the final challenge of the mini-event. Once again, players must go to the event organizer, Bahar, and listen to and analyze her story. After going through the narrative and gathering all the necessary clues, fans must correctly answer all the questions that Bahar will later ask to complete the challenge.

Only after answering all the questions and discovering the truth can one earn Primogems and other in-game rewards. Follow this simple Genshin Impact guide to find the correct answers and complete the challenge of the mini-event.

Genshin Impact guide to complete the In Truth's Steps Part III challenge

Read the story and start analyzing (Image via Genshin Impact)

In the third part of the In Truth's Steps mini-game, Bahar will narrate the final story of the event for you to solve. The plot this time is related to the Wisdom Gala competition, which was held in Sumeru and has successfully concluded. As a reward, Akademiya has granted all the participants a leave permit for a 3-day vacation. However, one permit is still left inside the box, and fans must figure out why.

Ask questions to find more clues (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once you have read the story, analyze the scenario and ask Bahar a few questions to get more clues. After gathering all the information, click on Find the Truth in the bottom right corner of the screen to complete the challenge. Don't worry if you click on the wrong option since you can retry as many times as you want.

Here is a list of all three questions and their answers from the In Truth's Steps Part III challenge:

1) And the current status of the leave permits is...

  • All the leave permits are with those who should have them.

2) Did everyone take a leave permit?

  • Everyone took a leave permit.

3) Why was one leave permit slip left in the box?

  • The person who took that slip took the box too.

The full truth of the story is that the leave permits were definitely given to all the participants. However, the final person to take the permit also took the box containing the permit. Hence, everyone got the item, but one was still left inside the box.

In Truth's Steps Part III rewards

In Truth's Steps Part III challenge rewards (Image via Genshin Impact)

Complete the final story puzzle of the In Truth's Steps mini-game and win the following in-game rewards:

  • Primogems x30
  • Gala Excitement x100
  • Hero's Wit x3
  • Guide to Praxis x4
  • Nagudas Emerald Fragment x3

This concludes the guide to completing the final challenge of In Truth's Steps.

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