Corpse Husband on why he doesn't hang out with his younger sister

During a recent Among Us stream, Corpse Husband spoke about his sister and stated that he doesnt get to spend much time with her. Corpse Husband has had a difficult childhood. According to online sources, his father had left the family at a young age, while his mother was diagnosed in 2019 with cancer.

During a recent Among Us stream, Corpse Husband spoke about his sister and stated that he doesn’t get to spend much time with her.

Corpse Husband has had a difficult childhood. According to online sources, his father had left the family at a young age, while his mother was diagnosed in 2019 with cancer.

Talking about his sister in a recent stream, Corpse Husband revealed that he doesn’t get to talk to his sister much, and is content with knowing that she is doing well. Corpse Husband added that he feared for his sister more than he did for himself.

Corpse Husband talks about his sister, says he doesn’t get to hang out with her much

There is a bit of mystique surrounding Corpse Husband’s personality. There is little information about his family life, apart from some details that he has himself revealed during live streams in the past.

Corpse Husband’s family members include his sister, mother, and himself. In 2019, Corpse Husband had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It is a condition that results in widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood swings.

This was followed by his mother’s diagnosis of cancer. It appears that Corpse Husband was scared because fibromyalgia is a disease that appears in clusters among close family members, and is hereditary in nature.

Corpse Husband appeared quite concerned about his little sister and said that he was scared for her sake and not his own.

“My little sister is fine. I don’t get to hang out with her much anymore, but she is good. I wasn’t scared for myself, I was more scared for my little sister and stuff, not for me particularly,” he said.

Corpse Husband rarely talks about his personal life, let alone his close family. This was a rare occasion.

However, fans will be glad to know that Corpse Husband’s sister is doing well.

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