Cindy McCain paid more than $4m last year

Mrs McCain whose father set up one of the most lucrative Budweiser distributorships in the US bowed to public pressure to release her financial records, after initially refusing and then seeking an extension from the tax authorities to get her paperwork in order.

Mrs McCain whose father set up one of the most lucrative Budweiser distributorships in the US bowed to public pressure to release her financial records, after initially refusing and then seeking an extension from the tax authorities to get her paperwork in order.

Mrs McCain had an income of $4.2m and paid $1.1m in taxes, though she took home more than $2million less than the year before.

She listed nearly $2.9 million in income from rental real estate, royalties, partnerships and trusts and paid herself a salary of $297,000 for chairing the family firm. The rest of her money came from $118,000 in dividends and more than $746,000 in capital gains.

The release of the figures will renew scrutiny of Mr McCain's family wealth, though the Republican presidential candidate files a separate tax return and himself reported income of just $405,409 in 2007, mostly from his Senatorial income, his military pension and money from book sales.

But the couple's relative affluence at a time of economic crisis has attracted adverse publicity, particularly when it emerged that they own at least seven different homes.

Mrs McCain is thought to be worth around $100 million.

It is a measure of the campaign's embarrassment that they released the information just before the weekend, when fewer voters watch the news.

The McCain campaign even attempted to portray Mrs McCain as a victim of the financial downturn, pointing out that her reduced income is because of tougher times for her company Hensley & Co.

"The reduction is a combination of capital investments in the business and, like many companies, Hensley has felt the impact of a weakened economy," McCain spokesman Brian Jones said.

Mr McCain tried to make light of his wife's large property portfolio at a ceremonial dinner in New York on Thursday.

Joking about the working class voter he is trying to attract, Mr McCain told the Al Smith dinner, held by the Catholic archdiocese: "Joe The Plumber recently signed a lucrative contract to handle all the work on all seven of their houses."

Democratic rival Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, made their returns public earlier this year, reporting $4.2 million in 2007 income, most of it profits from his books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope."

