Candace Owens "I'm Pregnant"

R31, I dont want to call Candace names nor am I interested in hurling explicatives her way, however, I am angry with Candace for driveling on about narratives framed in dishonesty regarding the AA communities in our country.

R31, I don’t want to call Candace names nor am I interested in hurling explicatives her way, however, I am angry with Candace for driveling on about narratives framed in dishonesty regarding the AA communities in our country.

Candace will literally either start reading a book by an AA author,!or perhaps complete the book, and then runs to her cam, launches herself on to Twitter, only to not apply what she read in the spirit in which it was written, while also white washing AA history in its correct context.

That bothers me profoundly.

Here’s a young woman who lives a privileged life, due to others having violated HER civil rights as a protected class in not one, but 3 ways, being AA and a woman and a minor, and she rightfully stated her case and pushed through for a resolution.

Let’s compare her situation to mine. I grew up in all white, upper middle class neighborhoods, went to all white schools, public and private, and was raised in a conservative home, living in conservative communities.

Based on all of the above, I grew up in a very “white, Judeo-Christian, conservative community”, while experiencing many of the same challenges she did. However, Candace went down a different road than I did. I didn’t grow up around black kids and their families. I never actually understood what the black experience was or is, and yet I decided to make it a point as a young adult to question the biases that were promulgated toward me, which I had unconsciously ALSO adopted, and I did so, simply because I understood that an injustice had been committed against people who look like myself and Candace. And while I’m the bi-racial Becky with the good hair, and I didn’t have to challenge myself and I too, could have genuinely been a Candace prototype, I chose not to, because it just wasn’t right.

That’s what pisses me off about Candace. Not her money, her privilege, or her conservatism. She has every right to be conservative, and I intellectually understand the appeal of it, however, that conservative viewpoint exists based on profound denial of the injustices wrought upon African Americans throughout our country’s short but jam packed history.

Something has to be inherently broken inside any person, lack or white, in order to spew the BS Candace spews, which can only exist based on a platform of denial and revisionist history.

Like Mitt Romney, who is NOT perfect, Candace has a choice as a conservative to do the right thing. And she has abandoned any desire to do so, in exchange to have an audience with one of the most corrupt men and now President, in American history.

This isn’t about progressives versus conservatives. This is about doing the right thing versus selling out for cash and prizes.

I do not hate Candace, however, I do not respect her as a talking head, and I base that disrespect on observing her willful and deliberate hubris and denialism.

Whenever possible? Just so the right thing. You can be a Republican and still manage that. Really, you can.

Candace needs to grow up and realize why she’s judged harshly.

