Are Arianny Celeste , Luciana Andrade, and other top UFC ring girls married? Relationship status unv

UFC ring girls like Arianny Celeste and Luciana Andrade have been a prominent feature of the world's biggest MMA promotion for decades, and it's unsurprising to see them become global superstars in their own right.

UFC ring girls like Arianny Celeste and Luciana Andrade have been a prominent feature of the world's biggest MMA promotion for decades, and it's unsurprising to see them become global superstars in their own right.

UFC ring girls undoubtedly perform a demanding job, however, many of them successfully juggle their careers and relationships at once.

Arianny Celeste is undeniably the most popular ring girl in the UFC. Celeste was in a long-term relationship with actor/photographer Taylor King, and the couple had a baby boy in October 2020. While it's unclear if King is still in the picture, Arianny Celeste often shares snaps of her hanging out with their son.

Brittney Palmer, often seen alongside Celeste at UFC events, was once married to Aaron Zalewski. However, the couple reportedly separated after Zalewski physically attacked her during an argument and was arrested by the police. According to reports, Palmer later dated fellow artist Gregory Siff for a while.

Meanwhile, UFC ring girl Luciana Andrade recently tied the knot with her long-time partner Jeff Martin at a gorgeous Italian villa on Lake Como. She shared several heartwarming pictures of the marriage ceremony on social media.

Popular Brazilian octagon girl Camila Oliveira is reportedly in a relationship with fellow Brazilian model/surfer Ado Franco. Interestingly, Oliveira's partner is also a jiu-jitsu practitioner.

Ring girls Chrissy Blair and Vanessa Hanson are also married. While Blair is wedded to Australian stand-up comic Monty Franklin, Hanson calls Andrew Grimes her husband.

Is Arianny Celeste the highest-earning UFC ring girl?

Given their celebrity status within the MMA community, it's not surprising to see UFC ring girls make big bucks at the promotion. With popular stars like Arianny Celeste and Brittney Palmer on their roster, the world's biggest MMA promotion often doles out five-figure salaries.

According to, the average UFC ring girl makes anywhere between $1000 and $5000 per fight for pay-per-view events, which amounts to around $20,000 and $50,000 annually.

However, superstars like Arianny Celeste can make up to seven figures per year. Celeste is the most popular and highest-paid octagon girl, and the 37-year-old boasts a salary worth an estimated $1 million.

After her UFC debut in 2006, she won the coveted 'Ringcard Girl of the Year' at the World MMA Awards seven times. She has also modeled for high-profile magazines like Sports Illustrated, Playboy, and Maxim.

UFC ring girl Camila Oliveira is the second richest ring girl, with a reported yearly salary of $50,000. Meanwhile, octagon ring girls Brittney Palmer, Chrissy Blair, and Carly Baker reportedly make $30,000 a year.

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