20 Facts About Jessica From Healthy Fit Fab Moms

Jessica Boscarini is known as the founder of Healthy Fit Fab Moms to more than 100,000 fans on Instagram. This popular Content Creator is a Holistic Nutritionist, Fitness Instructor, and Mom of 5 renowned for her family-friendly health and fitness tips.

Jessica Boscarini is known as the founder of Healthy Fit Fab Moms to more than 100,000 fans on Instagram. This popular Content Creator is a Holistic Nutritionist, Fitness Instructor, and Mom of 5 renowned for her family-friendly health and fitness tips.  

Jessica has made it her mission to help moms and moms-to-be on their health, nutrition, and fitness journeys. She believes that being healthy is a lifestyle and feels the best way to teach your children how to be healthy is to be their #1 example. 

Jessica also helps with pregnancy preparation, planning, and breastfeeding advice. Her followers appreciate how openly she shares her struggles with fertility, miscarriages, and stillbirth!

Jessica’s struggles have led to her support for nonprofits such as Every Mother Counts and Family Compass. 

We got to know 20 facts no one else knows about her and this is what she told us! 

  • Most people call me Jess; I don’t answer to Jessie ?
  • I am a Mom to 4 earthside ??. We had a stillborn boy in August 2020, and I have 3 other ??.
  • I am 35.
  • I have my Master’s in Holistic Nutrition (I create Nutrition Plans + Workbooks), although I originally graduated with a BS in Business Mgmt.
  • I am a Certified Nutritional Chef and occasionally work as a Personal Chef and Caterer.
  • I am a Personal Trainer and Group X Instructor; my current favs are Barre & Pilates.
  • I grew up as a Gymnast ?????; hence my flexibility factor.
  • I also played Volleyball and Lacrosse (but wasn’t great at them). ?
  • I found a love for surfing in high school ????? and was on my High School Surf Team, taught Surf Lessons, and worked at a Surf Shop through college.
  • I had my Real Estate License and was Notary Public (both have expired).
  • I have always works a minimum of 3 jobs (others included Boutique Sales and PR/Marketing).
  • I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. 
  • We moved to Dallas, TX in 2013; my oldest was 5-months.
  • Moving here was the first time I ever visited Texas.
  • I am a middle child. I have 2 brothers.
  • My entire family still lives in San Diego.
  • Taking more pictures was my New Years Resolution every year of my life until starting IG 5 years ago ?
  • It’s taken me a LONG time to be OK with taking/seeing pictures of myself. ?????
  • I am a balanced mix of introvert/extravert. I enjoy hanging out at home, but don’t like to feel alone.
  • I had an eating disorder in high school. It’s part of the reason I a) didn’t want to be a Nutritionist (because I didn’t want to always focus on food) and then b) became a Nutritionist so I could help others truly understand what being healthy means and feels like (aka, there is no need for dieting or calorie-counting!).
  • She is also very excited about her new collaboration with Black and Decker!  https://www.instagram.com/reel/

    HealthyFitFabMoms is now accepting brand collaborations for the fall. Email her at: [email protected]

